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Some being 2 years older or even 20 it didn't matter to Sam anymore. This would send Sam to develop an unhealthy relationship with sex, throwing himself at anyone who would look his way. He would keep this secret with him till he would leave for Stanford. In his early teen years, Sam was raped by John.

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Scarecrow_IDK Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Language: English Words: 2,535 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 5 Hits: 8 Part 21 of not to dazzle but to / unsettle the foundation If you like Pride, but don't want to give your money to pink capitalism, consider each donating to or at least boosting one of these charities. Prompts from Monster May Bingo: Tentacles and Pridewrite's 2022 Challenge: Written In Code. Title taken from the song Monsters by Ruelle.

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This_world_of_beautiful_monsters Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016)

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